Spray Tans

Reset Your Soul

Spray Tans

For a flawless tan the following preparations steps are recommended;

  • Wax / Shave at least 24 hours before appointment to allow pores to close
  • Exfoliate and moisturise generously 24 hours before appointment, taking extra time on common dry areas (knees, ankles and elbows)
  • Do not apply moisturisers or oily products to your skin on the day of your appointment
  • On arrival please ensure that all make-up and deodorant is removed, and that long hair is tied up off the face, neck and shoulders.
  • It is also advised to wear or bring some dark, loose clothing and flip flops to avoid staining clothes and spoiling the development of the tan.
  • You may also want to protect your nails with varnish as tanning solution can cause discolouration.

Sienna X Spray Tan

Full body including face
Discounted prices available for group tanning / spray tan parties. Please enquire for further information, thank you.


Get a gorgeous sun-kissed glow with the award winning Sienna X spray tan. With no risk of skin damage that can result from exposure to the sun’s UVA/B ray, it’s the healthiest way to achieve the perfect tan. Also Sienna X products are packed with moisture-rich natural ingredients to nourish, condition and care for your skin.
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